Once I got my head around all this with Sandra's help, I have had so much fun fiddling with photos and creating the paloozahead. I found a site for text bubbles and this is what I did. I think I need some better photos though!
It must be because it is a lovely day that my head is so much clearer. I can actually see the sense of NetVibes although it can be a bit frustrating at times. I can't be too much of a technophobe because I downloaded Skype at home and we talked to Robert in Japan on Wednesday evening. Now we have a webcam so we will be able to see him next week.
I really am. Why do I need an RSS page? For a start I haven't got time to be fiddling around posting this and reading that. I have set up the RSS page and my head feels like it wants to burst. The wee Scottish lassie has a lot to answer for.
Today I helped Margaret with her Blog. Amazing what you forget! Yeah Right said the wee Scottish lassie. I have subscribed to some of my colleagues Blogs and it is great to see the Lethbridge librarians have also joined in. Here is a recipe for you all http://www.cuisine.co.nz/index.cfm?pageId=52816
23 things are small exercises to help me explore and expand my knowledge of the Internet and Web.2. At the end of nine weeks the wee Scottish Lassie will say well done and reward me with my very own mp3/pendrive. Can't wait! Today is the 1st of June and outside it is suuny with a cool breeze. The temperature is expected to reach 16.